CanCred is pleased to announce that we have achieved official certification for Open Badges version 2.0 in all three available categories:

  • Issuer, for CanCred Factory
  • Displayer, for CanCred Passport
  • Host, for CanCred Passport

According to IMS Global Learning Consortium, stewards of the Open Badge standard:

“… certification for Open Badges 2.0 demands features and capabilities beyond those that are strictly required by the specification…. Gaining this certification is expected to be more difficult than simply meeting the minimum requirements for producing a valid Open Badge.”

Because CanCred is powered by the innovative code in the already-certified platforms Open Badge Factory and Open Badge Passport, this “difficult” certification comes as no surprise.

But we felt it was important to communicate clearly to the credentialing and recognition community how well CanCred supports Open Badges.

IMS Certified